How do children and parents experience child protection?

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Through historical and legal analysis as well as an empirical study in the French and German speaking regions of Switzerland, this project studies how children and parents understand, experience and respond to what happens to them during child protection proceedings.

  • Project description (completed research project)

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    This project produces knowledge about key features of fair child protection proceedings. Historical analysis provides a record of existing historiographic knowledge about children’s and parents’ experiences of the actions and decisions of child protection authorities (pre-1981 and 1981–2012). Legal analysis studies the long-term development of parents’ and children’s rights in child protection proceedings (1907 – to date) and innovative developments in other countries. The empirical study in French- and German-speaking regions asks how parents and children currently perceive the actions and interventions of Swiss Child and Adult Protection Authorities (CAPAs). A final interdisciplinary phase develops a draft legislation for a new child protection procedure and accompanying guidelines.

  • Results

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    The summary of the results for this project are available here:

  • Original title

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    Integrity, autonomy and participation in child protection: How do children and parents experience the proceedings of Child and Adult Protection Authorities?